Great Learning : - Basics of accounting -Accounting

     Great Learning : - Basics of accounting - Accounting 

Hello Friends,

Good Morning,

Today we are going to learn about some basic definitions of accounting. So lets get started !

What is accounting ?

- Art of recording, classifying and summarising transactions and reporting financial informations.

Financial Information  - the reported financial information comes from business transactions.

Transaction -  Events that are financial in nature.

Users of accounting informations ?

- following are the users of accounting information 

- Owners - to know that their funds are used properly and if the business is generating desired returns.

-Creditor - Creditors to know the financial positions/stability of business to which they are granting credit.

-Investors - to know the profitability and safety of their investments ,

-Management - for planning, controlling andf decision making ,

- Government - for tax compliance and disclosures in public interest. 

Types of accounts 

Let us know in detail about types of accounts -

1. Real Accounts - Real accounts are the accounts of the properties, assets and posession of the business. 

These can be of two types : -  

i. Tangible real account - these are account of things that can be touched and measured, eg. furniture account , land account and cash account. 

ii. Intangible real account - these are account of things that cannot be touched in physical sense , but can be measured in termed of money value . e.g trademark, copyright.

2. Nominal Accounts - Accounts which are related to expenses, losses, incomes or gains are called as nominal accounts . Nominal accounts do not exists in physical forms , but behind every nominal account money is involved. For eg. salary a/c , purchases a/c , expenses a/c, sales a/c etc. 

Accounts that falls within the below category is called nominal account:-





3. Personal Accounts - personal accounts are realed to person-natural or artificial or firms , these are proimarily of two types,

i. Natural Person's accounts - Accounts of real persons,

ii. Artificial Person's accounts -accounts of firms and entities that transact with the business.
